The Keys To Social And Competitive Golf
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Mission Statement

Tampa Ladies Golf is committed to inform the avid golfers of different activities that are scheduled in the Tampa area and will promote the social aspects of the golf game through leagues, various types of tournaments, and social gatherings.

TLG is where a golfer may ask for advice, seek lessons, sign up for a free clinic, helps herself achieve the next level and become her own coach.

Proper Use of the Golf Cart


When the golfer receives the golf cart he may be told to stay on the cart path, use the 90 degree rule or scatter.  To scatter means that once you leave the teeing area you may continue on the course toward your ball.  When you are asked to follow the 90 degree rule that means you may leave the cart path at 90 degrees toward your ball and after making the stroke return back to the cart at 90 degrees.  Of course if you did not hit the ball too far you may drive to it and then return back to the cart path.

When you first receive the cart make sure the golf bag is securely strapped, as it may otherwise fall off. How embarrassing!

Tuck all paraphernalia well in the back basket so they don’t slip out when driving on the course or in the rough. Avoid putting your wallet, cell phone, keys, or valuables in cubby hole area.                                                        more.


The Dreaded Shank
By Eileen Zilvetti

Golfers do not like to hear the word “shank” or “hosel rocket” as it is also called.  When we see it or experience it.........Ouch! 
The dreaded shank is sometimes compared to a split in bowling. It is fractions away from a well-executed shot.  It seems we pay an awful penalty for a nearly perfect move.   What causes the shank? I say that poor posture in the set up and a swing from the outside in will do it.  Let’s cure it.


Plumb Bobbing
By Eileen Zilvetti  

Some golfers like myself plumb bob most putts. I find that it confirms my original vision of the line of putt and adds information useful in my putting.  When I do my pre shot routing in putting it includes plum bobbing. You must know which your dominant eye is in order to be able to plumb bob. To determine which your dominant eye do the following: Hold your thumb to an object at a distance.  Look at the object with each eye separately.  The eye that makes the thumb move away from the object the least amount is the dominate eye. Now you are ready to plum bob.

Worthy Range Practice
By Eileen Zilvetti

I have asked all my students to practice on the range.  I ask them to loosen up with just a few balls before teeing off.  I recommend to them that if they had a bad round or trouble with a particular shot that day to head to the range and work out the problem.  Yet, when I meet with some of them again they made excuses for not going to the range. 

Some of these were: I was too tired, it was too hot or too cold, I didn’t have time, the golf balls are too old, and I find it boring. Let’s take a look at some of these excuses and find solutions.


Swinging Strength
By Kevin Denley

Caveman golferLet's face it ladies you are not built like a man. Men have natural upper body strength that is tailor made for swinging clubs. The average man addresses the ball with one intention - to send it as far down the fairway and as close to, if not on the green.

It is part of a man’s mythos - he pictures himself saying “me caveman, me bash, bash, and bash!”

In golf, strength does count to control your club, to power through wet thick grass, and stamina to continue swinging your clubs through 18 or 27 holes of golf. You can find it through strength training.
                                                ... read more.



Man Hunter

Man hunter
"Don't you think we should tell Alice men don't like women golfers?"


© 2011-2013 Tampa Ladies Golf
Site Design Kevin Denley